Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: World is One Family
Creating a New World Order in 21st Century
The majority of people in the world lived through the culture of conflicts & violence during the twentieth century. It is unfortunate that the twenty first century too has started in an environment of hostilities and holocaust. In the post 9/11 world, we find ourselves in what some have called a global human crisis - crisis of humanity. & earth planet.
As we know that the world has been transformed into a global village. Globalization is having a major impact not only on the business world but also on the whole humanity. Global recession, Global warming, climate change, poverty, conflict and violence are the main challenges that have dominated the first decade of the 21st century.
Humanity is facing a terrible challenge of its own existence. The 19th century was known as Industrial Revolution and 20th century – century of Globalization: population explosion, increasing poverty & ‘Information Technology Revolution’ & also century of Conflicts & Wars.
Human values are eroding at very fast rate resulting in declining the quality of life & people. At the dawn of the new millennium, there is greater need for Indian philosophy of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: World is One Family’ for the welfare of humankind in 21st century.

Present Scenario & World Crisis :
Where we are….

At present we are living in fast changing, modernizing and globalizing society with mix population – different Religions, race, culture, faith, etc
Presently we are living in the Age of darkness (Age of Kali- Yuga ) means age of Fear & Insecurity , also known as also Age of Globalization –increasing poverty & inequality and age of violence, wars & terrorism due to erosion of human values...
Humanity is faced with common enormous social & environmental challenges (relational problem, moral, victimizes all, threatens dignity, life and existence, caused by culture).
We are living in world of crisis i.e. crisis of poverty, educational crisis, economical crisis, crisis of environmental degradation, cultural crisis and crisis of human values. In total sum –we are facing Crisis of Peace and peaceful co-existence.
As we know that the world has been transformed into a global village. Globalization is having a major impact not only on the business world but also on the whole humanity. Global recession, Global warming, climate change, poverty, conflict and violence are the main challenges that have dominated the first decade of the 21st century.

Call of the Time:
There is greater need of Vasudheiva Kutumbkam - World as one family’ for peaceful coexistence & creating a new era of Peace & Prosperity in the world; It is the time for all the social leaders, Youth leaders , Religious leaders & educational leaders to think together for a new vision of Vasudheiva Kutumbkam - World as one family’ & work together to convert this vision into action for peace building & developing harmonious relationship between communities, groups & between the nations.
Eastern & Western Philosophy:

We have built a society, which is violent & explosive .We are living in extremely explosive times where the context of human life is changing every moment. Our society is crumbling; the wave of destruction is constantly taking over the way of life. The ecological crisis, population increase with increasing poverty, hunger & violence, economically unbalanced world, arm race & expenditure on armament are facing man to think & face the realities of destruction of humanity
1. Globalization “World is one Market”:
From western point of view the Globalization means: “World is one Market” - People’s motto is only Profit oriented. This the age of Globalization i.e. age of corruption , conflicts & violence due to decreasing human Values . This has created culture of Materialism.
2. “Vasudheiva Kutumbkam i.e. “World is one family”
From Eastern point of view we believe “VASUDHEIVA KUTUMBKAM i.e. World is one family - means that the whole world is one single family, which promotes global citizenship and culture of peace through Ancient Wisdom.
Vasudheiva Kutumbkam - World is but one family’

India has been a messenger of peace even in past as it was India that mooted the very idea of “Vasudheva Kutumbkam” that is, ‘the whole world is but one family’
The whole objective of a society is to work towards the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. The moment there is a gap in the feeling of oneness in the society it may give rise to injustice and depletion of peace in the society.
• Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a philosophy that inculcates an understanding that the whole world is one family. It is a philosophy that tries to foster an understanding that the whole of humanity is one family. It is a social philosophy emanating from a spiritual understanding that the whole of humanity is made of one life energy from one higher source-Creator, God, or Allah.
If the whole ocean is one how then a drop of the ocean be different from the ocean? If the drop is different from the ocean how then can it ultimately be dissolved in the ocean? “Vasudheiva Kutumbkam It is a Sanskrit phrase meaning that the whole earth is one family.
Building the Vision and Values of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam:
World is One family
To live in peace one must respect all religions. Therefore, humanity needs all the world's religions to suit the ways of life, diverse spiritual needs, and inherited national traditions of individual human beings.
7 Principles of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam : Creating a New World Order
The following seven main principles of developing Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam - World as One family & creating a New World Order.
The following main principles of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam - One Family Under God for Developing a Global Ethical Framework . Interfaith Harmony are as follows:
1st Principle of oneness: All people are connected to the Earth in a common and interdependent whole.
2nd Principle of Acceptance & Tolerance: Tolerance improves the interfaith harmony and relationship between the people & between the societies & nations

3rd Principle of Cooperation & Respect: Human unity is cooperation and respect for each other. “Accept all religions & respect them as we respect our own religion”.
4th Principle of Love: "Love & Compassion for others open the doors for unity of people & unity of religions."
5th Principle of Understanding & Compassion: The 3rd principle of of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam – world is One Family is the Principle of Understanding self – who am I ? And understanding other religions & other cultures for peaceful co-existence.
Compassion for all living things in all situations. Compassion is the foundation of unity & world peace.- Buddhism
6th Principle of Ahimsa (Non-violence) : For the nonviolent person, the whole world is one family. He will fear none, nor will others fear him. Mahatma Gandhi
7th Principle of dialogue: The 4th principle is the Principle of dialogue .
Peace can be achieved through dialogue. Dialogues among religions foster mutual respects and deeper understanding of faiths. Understanding of faiths.& religions promotes culture of peace & harmony and helps us to live as one family under god.
Conclusion: “Vasudheva Kutumbkam”-The world is one family
The whole of humanity is…one human family. This planet is our only home. ~Dalai Lama .
People, Peace & Planet are interdependent & interconnected. We are part of a global whole, everything in the universe are interconnected & interdependent through the principle of integration. The oneness of humanity has been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace is Oneness of Humanity. Oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through interfaith dialogue & harmony
Conclusion: “Vasudheva Kutumbkam”-The world is one family
The whole of humanity is…one human family. This planet is our only home. ~Dalai Lama .
People, Peace & Planet are interdependent & interconnected. We are part of a global whole, everything in the universe are interconnected & interdependent through the principle of integration. The oneness of humanity has been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace is Oneness of Humanity. Oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through interfaith dialogue & harmony
Conclusion: “Vasudheva Kutumbkam”-The world is one family
The whole of humanity is…one human family. This planet is our only home. ~Dalai Lama .
People, Peace & Planet are interdependent & interconnected. We are part of a global whole, everything in the universe are interconnected & interdependent through the principle of integration. The oneness of humanity has been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace is Oneness of Humanity. Oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through interfaith dialogue & harmony
Conclusion: “Vasudheva Kutumbkam”-The world is one family
The whole of humanity is…one human family. This planet is our only home. ~Dalai Lama .
People, Peace & Planet are interdependent & interconnected. We are part of a global whole, everything in the universe are interconnected & interdependent through the principle of integration. The oneness of humanity has been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace is Oneness of Humanity. Oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through interfaith dialogue & harmony
Conclusion: “Vasudheva Kutumbkam”-The world is one family
“The whole of humanity is one human family. This planet is our only home”. ~Dalai Lama .

Dr.Subhash Chandra
Scientist, Author & Mentor
Board of Trustee - Global Peace Foundation – India
Secretary General GHA -- Global Harmony Association (GHA) India GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony
International Coordinator, WWA, Kathmandu, Nepal