Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

Society needs transformation towards sustainability and greater harmony and progress. Education is a key source of hope and capacity as we strive towards these goals.
Harmonious Education is the primary agent of transformation towards holistic human development, increasing people’s capacities to transform their visions for society into reality.

“By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit. Literacy is not the end of education or even the beginning.” – M. K. Gandhi [Harijan: July 31, 1937]
Education: The English word education is derived from the Latin word Educare, which further relates to Educere, and is the symbolic of manifestation or expression. This definition reveals the inner capability of man that guides him continuously at various levels. The whole process, which leaves an impact upon the mind, character and physical strength, plays a vital role in human development. It accords continuity to intellect, knowledge and values, which provides the base and scope to education.
Education certainly is a means to all-round progress of man. In other words, the pathway to human-development goes through the lanes of education. Moreover, true education is the sole basis of achieving one’s purpose in life. It is education, which can ascertain ultimate peace for a human being.
The goal of education is to ensure that a man has knowledge, wisdom, spiritual perception and exemplary living.
In this process of education that begins in early childhood, children should acquire certain Habits of Life, such as always telling and seeking truth, striving for excellence in all things, self-analysis, appreciation for beauty, respect and reverence for all forms of life, compassion and kindness towards others, and search for meaning in all things, among others.
Harmonious Education is uniquely placed to help deal with the major problems facing the world society: violent conflict, poverty, the destruction of the natural environment, and other fundamental issues touching human beings everywhere. Education provides information, skills and helps to shape values and attitudes.
Harmonious Education is the primary agent of transformation towards holistic human development, increasing people’s capacities to transform their visions for society into reality. Harmonious Education not only provides scientific and technical skills, it also provides the motivation, justification, and social support for pursuing and applying them. The international community now strongly believes that we need to foster—through education—the values, behaviour and lifestyles required for a sustainable future.
The Four Building Blocks of Harmonious Education in 21st century For Self- transformation & global transformation:
The following are the four building blocks of education as essential aspects of Harmonious Education in the 21st century to become enlightened citizen:
1. Universal values; 2. Global understanding; 3. Excellences in human character; and 4. Service to humanity.
Universal values, global understanding, excellence in all things and service to humanity.
These are the foundational aspects of the framework for Harmonious Education for developing peace & harmony & creating peaceful & joyful society.
The goal of education is to ensure that a man has knowledge, wisdom, spiritual perception and exemplary living.
In this process of education that begins in early childhood, children should acquire certain Habits of Life, such as always telling and seeking truth, striving for excellence in all things, self-analysis, appreciation for beauty, respect and reverence for all forms of life, compassion and kindness towards others, and search for meaning in all things, among others.
1. Universal Values: A values education that includes respect, honesty and empathy is the foundation for every child's development. Without it, education cannot be effective. Values put meaning into action to become global citizen.
2. Global Understanding: Children must learn to view national, linguistic, and cultural diversity as an asset. Love and respect for each other, proper communication skills, reverence for all forms of life, and true understanding must be the goals.
3. Excellence's in human character: Excellence is a consequence of a values-focused education. It is redefined by CGE as competition with oneself, not simply others. A child who accepts excellence as a life guiding principle will be able to better develop his or her full potential and achieve extraordinarily. The Human Values Education & Quality teaching helps in Character building & improves the human excellence: Character excellence; Academic excellence; & Spiritual and Moral Excellence.
4. Service to Humanity: Children must be inspired to contribute to the betterment of the world. By taking care of the environment or the needy, for example, children gain additional confidence and motivation that a classroom setting alone cannot provide. Eventually, through such an education a man becomes a fruitful and productive.
Five Universal Human Values of Harmonious Education for Social Transformation
Human values are not arbitrary or capricious. Their origins and continued existence are based in the facts of biology and in how human minds and bodies interact with their physical and social environments. These realities shape and constrain human behavior. They also shape human beliefs about the world and their evaluations of various aspects of life.
According to Indian philosophy and Shri Sathya Sai Baba Education, there are five Universal human values, which are based upon the five spiritual values as follows:

1. Sathya –Truth ;
2. Dharma –Righteousness
3. Prema –Love
4. Shanti –Peace &
5. Ahimsa-Nonviolence
The Sathya Sai Education program in Human Values program rests on the above five spiritual values: Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love and Non-violence.
The spiritual principles embedded within these values are the foundations of true humanness.
The values are interrelated. Love is the source and sustenance of all the values. Love associated with thought is Truth. The same Love expressed, as action is Right Action. When Love becomes the guiding principle of understanding with a state of supreme Peace .The same Love expressed, as action is Right Action. When one contemplates Love, the heart and mind are filled and reason, the intelligence becomes permeated with Nonviolence.
Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra
•Board of Trustee - Global Peace Foundation, New Delhi, India
*Associate Professor-(Hon.) Intercultural Open University (IOU), NL
*International Coordinator, WWA- World without Anger Kathmandu, Nepal
•GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony
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15th July 15, 2014