Satya Syngal
Feb 17, 2010
held at
University of Waterloo

Non-duality (Advaita) is one of the six schools of Vedic philosophy systematized by Shankara of India.

This presentation will cover human goals as enumerated in the Veda, human personality, relationship of human beings with the world and God. Search for meaning is reviewed in the light of these goals. This search, though intellectual, becomes emotional. Need for a protracted period of study under proper guidance is necessary to assimilate the knowledge that there is only one Absolute.

Comprehension of the transcendent Absolute is difficult because of the abstract nature of the Subject. In Vedanta, the transcendent is initially associated with transactional attributes for human comprehension. Every one of these attributes or adjuncts is progressively negated to arrive at the Absolute. This far reaching vedantic conclusion of the existence of only one Absolute Reality is extremely meaningful in the emergence of one global family that the world needs today.

Satya Syngal presented this seminar at the University of Waterloo to an audience of 24.