Raheel Raza
Apr. 29, 2004
held at
University of Waterloo

At the present juncture of human history, building religious inclusivity is an urgent global issue. In Raheel’s words, “while the world has become a global village in terms of technology, travel and trade, the same strides are not seen in the world of faith.”

New perspectives and models are needed in search of answers based on a deep respect for the diversity of cultures and religions in the world community.

Raheel points to the need of a deeper change of consciousness for effective action by faith communities, educators, politicians, and others. Raheel is of the opinion that “Religious inclusivity has to be promoted from the pulpit. In places of worship, whether they are churches, temples, mosques or synagogues – the message should be one of pluralism and respect.”

Raheel is a firm believer in the writing of the Sufi philosopher, Saadi, “Human beings are like parts of one body – when one section is wounded, the whole body hurts.”

Raheel works for the Government of Ontario and freelances as a journalist and a media consultant. She is an articulate public speaker addressing issues such as human rights, status of women, media stereotypes etc. Raheel is deeply involved in many organizations including Forum For Learning, the Snowstar Institute. Raheel presented this seminar at the University of Waterloo to an audience of 31.