Ginny Freeman
Mar. 25, 2004
held at
University of Waterloo

Ginny Freeman MacOwan offered this seminar at the University of Waterloo with an audience of 17 persons.

Feminism, once considered a “fringe movement,” has now become an integral component of social and religious reform. Over the past two decades, feminist spirituality has crossed the many boundaries of mainstream religions and has energized the spiritual practices of both women and men throughout the world. As editor and publisher of Canada’s only multi-faith magazine devoted to feminist spirituality, Ginny has a unique opportunity to witness the sometimes provocative and always inspirational impact of feminist spirituality on individuals and their faith communities.

In her seminar, Ginny introduces the essential components of feminist spirituality and share some of its implications for our increasingly multi-faith society.

Spirituality, according to Ginny, is the awareness of the underlying unity of all beings and reflecting this awareness in daily living. To be spiritual in the feminist sense is no different from being spiritual in the human sense. All human beings regardless of gender, creed, color, ethnicity, race, etc. are connected through this underlying oneness. The question is whether we are aware of it or not. Being spiritual is being aware.

Ginny is editor of Vox Feminarum: The Canadian Journal of Feminist Spirituality and director of programs and partnerships for Across Boundaries Multi-faith Institute.