Anne Quinn Wallace SRN, SCM, MTD, U.K.  

B.A., MTS, DSD, Canada

Anne is a Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader.

She has had a successful career in nursing and midwifery, working in England, Scotland, Channel isles, France and Spain, as well as her native Ireland.

In Canada she has worked as a Nursing Educator.

Anne studied Buddhism and has practiced meditation for many years, under the guidance of Shinzen Young, a Zen master.

Upon retirement, from her career, she walked The Camino de Santiago as a discernment process and subsequently entered the Jesuit College at the Toronto School of Theology where she completed a Master’s Degree in Theology and a Diploma in Spiritual Direction. She presently teaches at Regis College in the Spiritual Direction program.

She is an active member of Interfaith Grand River and of St Jerome’s University Community and she offers spiritual direction to people in the Kitchener Waterloo region. She now provides her services at Loyola Retreat centre in Guelph and conducts a weekly meditation session for people of all faiths in the KW area.

Anne’s interest today has been sparked by Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si , on the environment and she is passionate about helping people to become more conscious of our connection to one another and all things on this earth. She believes that meditation, as a means of raising awareness, is a great step in helping people to develop compassion for all life.