Steve Farrell
held at
Davis Centre Room 1302, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON


Steve Farrell addresses the topic of greed in business. Greed is divisive of humankind. It leads to mistrust preventing feelings of oneness, and to states of fight or flight preventing feelings of wellness also.

In his presentation, Steve Farrell makes a compelling case for Conscious Business. He presents an overview of his Conscious Business initiative Program.

The presentation addresses 3 key questions:

  1. What is the Conscious Business Initiative?
  2. Why is Conscious Business vitally important?
  3. How can you make a difference?

Steve Farrell is the President and Worldwide Executive Director for Humanity’s Team, a global grassroots spiritual movement focused on awakening and embodying Oneness so humanity may enjoy a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness. Humanity’s Team presently has over 580,000 friends in over 150 countries.

Humanity’s Team projects include:  Global Oneness Day – a day that Humanity’s Team created following its visit to the United Nations in May 2010; a Oneness Declaration; a year-round Living in Oneness summit; an annual Spiritual Leadership Award; a Conscious Business Declaration, Conscious Business Practitioner Training & Certification, Community Circle, prayer and meditation programs; and service projects focused on helping people and the environment.

Before Steve became involved with Humanity’s Team he co-founded and led two high growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley in the 1990’s that were featured in the INC 500 and spanned the United States and Europe.  At this time he was an officer in the Young Entrepreneurs’ Organization and the Young President’s Organization.  But he walked away because he felt a calling to help create a new dream based on the Divine in life that humanity can manifest together.

Steve lives with his wife Stephanie and his two children in Boulder, Colorado.

Humanity’s Team is an international spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and demonstrate the timeless truth that We Are All One, with the Divine and all life – caring for each other and the world we share – so that people's actions reflect this profound understanding within a generation.  We believe that living this truth is essential to solving the most chronic and acute world problems and vital to creating a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness.