Dr. Bharaj presents on the spirituality of Sikhism which started in 15th century in Punjab, a state in the north-west of India. Sikhism is a way of life based on the teachings of a lineage of ten gurus with Guru Nanak being the first and Guru Gobind being the last.
Sikhism’s God is the eternal, infinite, formless, timeless, and omnipresent truth both within and around us. You need not go to a special place to worship God and to pray. You can do that anytime and anywhere.
You establish a direct connection with divine truth without any mediator using the following practical means of: (1) avoid materialism, (2) serve humanity with your body, mind and what you have, (3) share with community, (4) sacrifice your ego, (4) keep divine truth always in mind feeling its presence in yourself and every being, (5) sing its glory with community, and (6) meditating on it.
Dr. Bharaj will enlighten us with the principles of Sikh way of life with special reference to Sukhmani Sahib, a specific book in the Sikh scripture, Sri Granth Sahib.

Dr. Ranjeet Singh Bharaj recently retired from the practice of dentistry in Vaughan, ON where she now lives with her son and daughter-in-law. She was born in Nairobi, Kenya where she received her early education. Then her parental family moved to London, UK where she received her university and professional education. She practiced dentistry in the UK before moving to Montreal, PQ. She has had a long dentistry practice in various places in Quebec and Ontario.